It’s Official- Production has Begun!

It’s Official- Production has Begun!

The anticipation is growing, and we’ve got great news: Your Pakt Ones are being made at our factory right now! And yes, we’re still on track for on-time delivery.
Production Update: Ethical Working Conditions

Production Update: Ethical Working Conditions

When we visited the factory where the Pakt One was to be constructed back in December, it was absolutely essential for us to confirm with our own eyes that all employees are treated fairly, compensated properly, and work under safe conditions.
Matt D’Avella Packs Like a Minimalist

Matt D’Avella Packs Like a Minimalist

Matt, the documentary film-maker behind Minimalism put this video together to show off how he packs using the Pakt One for a week long trip.
A Look Inside the Process of Bringing a Bag to Market

A Look Inside the Process of Bringing a Bag to Market

We’ve heard from some of you that you’re anxious to get your hands on the Pakt One, so we thought we’d share a little insight on the work that goes into producing a high quality bag.
Pakt One Hardware Q&A

Pakt One Hardware Q&A

We wanted to elaborate on what hardware/materials we specifically changed from the original Malcolm Fontier Getaway, to the updated Pakt One. Not every product gets a 5 year testing period, but we were able to make some small but significant improvements based on many miles of travel.
Leading by Example

Leading by Example

Can a bag help the planet? We believe so. The Pakt One is breaking new ground on several fronts – one of which is blazing a new path for product packaging that can help our oceans.
Pakt One Packing Tips from the Designer

Pakt One Packing Tips from the Designer

Pakt One designer Malcolm Fontier shares some of his space saving tips for one bag carry-on travel with the Pakt One duffel.